Admissions & Registration
The Admissions and Registration Department provides an efficient introduction to our healthcare delivery system. Our knowledgeable and pleasant staff assists patients with registration information so their care can be the primary concern. The admissions and registration area strives to make a positive, compassionate impression on all who seek the Hospital's services.
The department provides registration for Hospital services; including, but not limited to, admissions, emergency department registration, ancillary services, and ambulatory surgery.**
Department Hours: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm, Monday - Friday
Phone: 703.558.6114
Fax: 703.558.5414
**Please note that scheduling/registration for Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging and Gastroenterology (GI) is handled by the Radiology Scheduling Center. Please call 703.558.8500 or click here for more information.
Patient Notice of Financial Aid
Virginia Hospital Center is proud of its not-for-profit mission to provide quality healthcare to all who need it.
If you do not have health insurance and worry that you may not be able to pay in full for your care, we may be able to help. Virginia Hospital Center provides financial assistance to patients based on their income, family size, and needs. In addition, we may be able to help you arrange a manageable payment plan. Refer to Billing & Financial Assistance to learn more about the program and policy.
It is important that you let us know if you will have trouble paying your bill. Federal and State laws require all hospitals to seek full payment of what they bill patients. This means we may have to turn unpaid bills over to a collection agency, which could affect your credit status.